Tag 1: 8 soalan
From CY & Iszan.. Thanks bebeh! ;)
Nama Timangan anda:
Sya & mamaDhea..
Anda seorang yang:
Erm, friendly? ;P
Insan teristimewa?? Describekan dia terlalu Istimewa di mata anda:
Insan means sorang je ek? Tp, aku ada raaaaamai insan yg teristimewa dlm hidup aku.. Camno? ;P
Lagu kesukaan anda:
Sama mcm Iszan. Takde specific lagu yg aku suka.. Tp aku suka irama yg sedikit catchy.. ;)
Makanan kesukaan anda:
Asam pedas, spagheti dan err, One Burger
Warna kesukaan anda:
Tiga benda mesti ada dlm beg anda:
Kunci rumah, beg yg berisi duit & Hp. Tp, lately Hp selalu aje tertinggal.. ;P
Kali terakhir masa anda menangis & kenapa:
Semlm. Kerana ini..
Tag 6 rakan anda:
1. Mommy Dania
2. Mama Emma
3. Mama Adib
4. Lia
5. Nelcy
6. Ealyie
Tag 2: 9 soalan
Tagged by Intan. Mekaseyy nyah! ;)
If you can be an animal, what will u be? Why?
Bird maybe.. Boleh terbang tinggi.. ;)
If you robbed a bank, what do you want to do with the money?
Err, tak tercapai dek akalku..
If you can teleport yourself anywhere in the world, where do you want to be? why?
Pon tak tercapai dek akalku.. ;P
If you know that you are dying, what is the last meal that you want? why?
Last meal? Masatu dah takde selera makan dah rasanya..
If you can only kill one person in this world, who is the person? why?
Awat nak bunuh2 org ni?
If you can choose either to have more than 24 hours a day or can live more than 100 years, what is your choice? why?
I choose more than 24 hours, provided Hubby pon ada skali.. So, that I can spend more time with the kiddies while Hubby tlg aku kemas2 rumah.. ;P Matteyy laa klu laki aku baca.. Kehkehkeh!
If you can date celebrities, who is that person? why?
Sape ek?
If you can only have 1 thing in this world, what should that be? Why?
If you have the opportunity to tag 7 of your friends, who are they? why?
6 org seperti di Tag 1 dan utk mencukupkan kuota, tambah sorang lagi iaitu Raihan, mak pada Alesha & Azhad.. ;)
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